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From Deputy Principal: Student Engagement and Wellbeing

24 March 2023

As we move through this Lenten Season, we continue to grow towards the best version of ourselves as a community. As a Catholic community, we take the time during Lent to reflect upon how we can look deep within ourselves and find what we need to make our community one that is rich in its diversity and strong in its connection.

As a College Community, we offer myriad opportunities for us to connect. We start the day in our PaLMs, gathering in prayer and connecting as a group. We have myriad activities and clubs run through our Luminosity Program. We have our Counselling Team running group sessions for good mental health. We have Lunch Club, Tutoring, Homework Club. We have Breakfast Club and lunchtime House Events. We have our Youth Liaison and Family Partnerships team mentoring, connecting, and engaging through projects. We have SACCSS Sports, training and competing. We have regular liturgies and social justice actions. We have the Arts; Technology; Wynspeak; Cultural Competency … the list goes on. Every student has an opportunity to engage with and connect with the broader community through myriad ways. It is up to us to take that opportunity and to run with it. And we, as families and friends, are invited to encourage our young people to do that.

Connection to the College Community is one of the strongest preventative factors we have. Connection supports good mental health. Connection creates stronger learning outcomes. Connection creates a positive, hope filled, and inclusive culture. Our College works hard to create opportunities for our young people to connect and excel in their learning. As families and friends, you play a pivotal role in creating those connections. From the moment your young person steps out the front door, wearing our uniform with pride, and steps onto the College grounds, to the moment they walk back into your home – they represent the College and all we stand for. I always say to the students, Thomas Carr College is your second family. You are one of us and we belong to you. You represent us at all times, and we proudly claim you as our own. It is this partnership between family and school that nurtures the connectedness of our young person. Together we create connections and it is important that we continue to work together to do so.

So we thank you for ensuring your young person behaves in the respectful manner you have raised them to do so; we thank you for sending them from home to school fully dressed in the correct uniform; we thank you for creating a comfortable learning space for them to do their homework and to study to further embed their learning; we thank you for having open, honest, hope-filled conversations about their learning journey; we thank you for working in partnership with the College in setting clear boundaries and expectations so that we can all flourish and become the best version of ourselves – so that we can all shine.

Ms Ivanka Spiteri
Deputy Principal Student Engagement and Wellbeing