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Professional Learning: Emerging Technology in STEM

26 May 2023

The Professional Learning workshop held on Thursday 18 May 2023, was a resounding success, bringing together members from the Science and Technology departments and participants from the Wyndham STEM cluster. The event aimed to explore the exciting opportunities that emerging technologies in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) could bring into our classrooms.

The conference was expertly facilitated by Peter Murray, Learning Area Leader-Technology, who provided hands-on experiences to staff in utilising CAD (Computer-Aided Design) and 3D printing using Ultimaker printers. This session marked the first in a series of Professional Development opportunities to equip our staff with the necessary skills and knowledge to integrate emerging technologies into their teaching practices.

One of the primary goals of the conference was to empower the Year 8 Science team, particularly to influence their newly acquired knowledge and expertise in the upcoming STEM unit on film canister rockets. Starting in Term 3, students will be engaged in an exciting four-week STEM unit, immersing themselves in concepts from Mathematics (Geometry), Science (Chemical and Physical reactions), and Technology.

Thanks to integrating CAD and 3D printing into the unit, students can design and fabricate fins for their rockets using these cutting-edge technologies. This hands-on approach will not only make the learning experience more engaging and memorable for the students, it will also give them valuable skills to carry forward into their future studies and careers.

We thank Peter Murray for his valuable time and expertise running this Professional Learning series. His dedication and passion for emerging STEM technologies has inspired and empowered our staff. We would also like to acknowledge the enthusiastic participation of the staff members from both the Science and Technology departments who attended the session. Your commitment to professional growth and innovation is commendable.

As we move forward, we are excited to witness the positive impact of this professional learning on our students’ educational journeys. Integrating CAD, 3D printing, and other emerging technologies into our curriculum will enhance their understanding of core STEM concepts and foster their creativity, problem-solving skills, and digital literacy.

We look forward to future professional learning opportunities that will continue to propel our staff and students into the ever-evolving landscape of STEM education. By embracing emerging technologies, we are preparing our students for a future where their abilities to adapt, innovate, and collaborate will be crucial. Together, let us pave the way for a brighter and more technologically advanced future in education.

Once again, thank Peter Murray, our dedicated facilitator, and all the staff members who participated in this enlightening Professional Learning Session.

Dr Lucy Cassar
Learning Area Leader – Science and STEM