Latest News


09 August 2023


On Tuesday July 18 the SACCSS Chess Tournament was held at CRC Caroline Springs, bringing together 360 students across the Association. Our College had twenty four chess enthusiasts competing on the day in the Junior, Intermediate and Senior (Open) competitions.

Here are our Team Standings after the day:

  • Junior- 4th out of 15 schools
  • Intermediate- 10th out of 14 schools
  • Senior- 6th out of 12 schools

Congratulations to Carlos Anonuevo of Year 8 for being named the Individual Junior Champion for 2023. Carlos played exceptionally well in all rounds, deservedly winning the title. He should be very proud of his achievements.

Thank you to all competing students. You represented our College with immense pride and a competitive spirit which was infectious.

We also wish to acknowledge Mr Cheng for his undying love of this Tournament and for preparing our team so well in the lead up to this event.

Year 9 Premier League

Our Year 9 teams have started their seasons off strongly, with many teams in the hunt to play finals on their current standings given we are over halfway through the season. Stay up to date with all things SACCSS by visiting their website:

Ladder Standings after round 4:

  • Netball- 4th
  • Girls Basketball- 1st
  • Boys Basketball- 5th
  • Girls Soccer- 2nd
  • Boys Soccer- 1st
  • Girls Volleyball- 3rd
  • Boys Volleyball- 2nd
  • Boys AFL- 4th

FIFA Women’s World Cup Ticket Winner

To celebrate the FIFA Women’s World Cup being played in Australia (and Melbourne for that matter) for the first time, the College ran several competitions for students to help raise the profile of women’s sport and excitement levels around the tournament.  One of the competitions was the chance for a student to win 4 tickets to a World Cup game. On 2 August, Isha Dutt of Year 11 went to watch Brazil take on Jamaica at the Melbourne Rectangular Stadium, taking some family members and her friend and fellow Year 11 student Mia. Here is a short account from Isha:

‘I was lucky enough to win the FIFA tickets. The Brazil vs Jamaica game was amazing to watch. The crowd and the atmosphere overall was very enjoyable and it was a really lovely experience’.

We are glad you enjoyed the experience Isha. It will no doubt be a fond memory to cherish in the future.

SACCSS Students travelling on buses

Please note that all SACCSS Students travelling on buses to and from all venues must wear a seatbelt if the bus provides them. Safety is paramount, so all students must obey seatbelt laws at all times.

Margie White

Sport and Co-Curricular Leader