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From the Assistant Principal International and Community Partnerships

08 September 2023

‘Globally Engaged Learners’ Program

Congratulations to all the students who recently completed the award-winning AFS Global Competence Certificate!

The blended learning program connected students from Thomas Carr College with VCE students in partner schools in China to develop tangible global skills essential to live, work and make a real social impact around the world.

Through the online learning modules and live virtual sessions, students connected with their peers in China to develop essential and lifelong global “power skills” of collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, cross-cultural communication, open-mindedness and flexibility.

Congratulations to all involved and who have now received their Global Competence Certificate which covered topics such as Metaphors of Culture, Stereotypes, Suspending Judgement, Coping and Being Resilient, Understanding Inequalities, Microaggressions and more.

Into The Woods

Congratulations to cast and crew of Into The Woods, who once against wowed audiences over three nights.

“Into the woods, each time you go. There’s more to learn of what you know.” Stephen Sondheim.

The production week was again an incredible journey for our cast and we reflect with pride on all their efforts to produce a production of such quality and professionalism. ‘Into the Woods’, is an allegory for life. Sometimes, you must face your apprehensions and trepidations head on if you are to conquer your fears. Our cast and crew certainly did so this performance season. They are braver, more daring, and wiser.

We applaud their talents, commitment, and gusto. What wonderful ambassadors they are for the College!

National Malaya & Borneo Veterans Association Service of Remembrance

Last week the College continued our longstanding relationship with the National Malaya & Borneo Veterans Association by supporting their annual service at the Shrine of Remembrance.

The wreath laying service honoured those who served during the Malayan Emergency and Indonesian Confrontation in which 72 Australians were killed.

We are proud of our 20-year connection with the Association and our College Choir, Band, Year 11 Vocational Major class and College Captains who attended the service and lunch with the veterans.

Thank you to the veterans, the Shrine of Remembrance including Shrine Life Governor Lieutenant Colonel Adrian Lombardo and staff who through this annual service, remind us of the importance of remembering and honouring our history.

Tom Bridges