Our warmest congratulations to the students who received High Commendations in the Australian Catholic’s 2024 Young Voices Award Competition in conjunction with Australian Catholic University. Students from Year 8 and 9 submitted entries based on the theme “Do Good, Be Good, Spread the Good News” as part of their Assessment Task in Religious Education in the Lenten Term. Winning entries will be published in the Spring Edition of the Australian Catholics magazine, on the Australian Catholics magazine website.
By participating in the competition, our students demonstrated their passion for social justice issues and have demonstrated their creative minds and talents in both the article and photo entries.
Congratulations to their Religious Education Teachers who have provided support and guidance to our students – Gilbert Menezes, Lilian Micheni, Cathryn Doman, Chiarene Cooper and Kelley Revelman.
We are proud of our students’ achievements!
High Commendations: Intermediate Photo Category
- Keinry Ban, Year 9, ‘All Around’
- Manniya Kumar, Year 9, ‘Kindness grows’
- Ruby Sfetcopoulos, Year 8, ‘A smile can create another smile’
- Chloe Natividad, Year 9, ‘Homelessness’
- Erin Agatep, Year 9, ‘Becoming Vegan’
High Commendations: Intermediate Article Category
- Trisha Desai, Year 9, ‘Acting in ways that positively benefit others’
- Amariah Botitu, Year 9, ‘A Brighter World: The Power of Doing Good, Being Good, and Spreading Good News’
- Sienna Tanzimat, Year 9, ‘Generous Strings’
- Ricky Etikala, Year 9, ‘Misery to Hope and Happiness’
Cecile Pitpit
Religious Education Teacher