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From the Deputy Principal, Learning and Teaching

08 August 2024


On Monday 16 July, all staff participated in a professional learning day which was the launch of ‘A Strong Start’ at Thomas Carr College. Staff explored how teachers will implement classroom entry routines, formal greetings, beginning each lesson with a Do Now activity, using a College-wide Cue to Start, followed by impactful questioning to check for student understanding.

Tuesday 17 July began with student assemblies around understanding ‘A Strong Start,’ and how “every minute counts” for maximum impact and ownership of their learning. Student responsibility around punctuality is also an important part of this process. ‘A Strong Start’ is aimed at implementing Consistent Predictable Routines in the classroom, lessening the cognitive load of students to maximise time for learning.

We look forward to the positive impact this will have on all students in consolidating calm, orderly and impactful classrooms!


We were very happy with the success of our recent Senior School Subject Selections Expo, which was held on Tuesday 23 July. This event was a crucial opportunity for families to gather essential information about the Year 9 into 10, and Year 10 into 11, subject selection processes for their children.

The Expo saw a significant engagement from families and students eager to explore the wide array of subjects and pathways available to our senior students. It was a vibrant and dynamic event, designed to guide our students so they can make informed decisions about their future pathway and careers.

At the Expo, families had the chance to engage directly with our teaching staff who provided detailed insights into each subject offered. Tertiary and industry providers were also present, offering valuable advice and information to assist students in planning their future pathways beyond secondary school.

A highlight of the event was the informative session delivered by Tyson Day, where he shared invaluable strategies on how families can best support their children with career decisions at home. Tyson’s expertise and practical tips were well-received and underscored the importance of a collaborative approach between home and school in nurturing our students’ aspirations.

The positive feedback we received from families highlights the importance of events like these in fostering meaningful partnerships between parents and caregivers, students, and teachers. We understand that selecting subjects is a crucial decision that can significantly impact a student’s future, and we are committed to providing all necessary support and guidance throughout this process.

Subject Selection Expo Recap


5 August

  • Year 11 students complete Subject Selection for Year 12, during PaLM

6 August

  • Year 7 students complete their Language Subject Selection for Year 8, during PaLM
  • Year 10 students attend their Subject Selection interviews to select subjects for Year 11, during periods 1 – 6.

7 August

  • Year 9 students attend their Subject Selections interviews to select subjects for Year 10, during periods 1 – 6.

8 August

  • Year 8 students attend their subject selections interview to select subjects for Year 9, during periods 1 – 6.

Damian Bernardo
Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching