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From the Deputy Principal – Staff and Operations

19 September 2024

When parents choose a Catholic education for their child, they form a partnership with the school. This is enhanced at Thomas Carr College, as we place great value in students, teachers and parents working in partnership to foster a strong and sustainable learning culture.

A key to this partnership is providing all members of the College community the opportunity to have a voice and contribute to shaping the ongoing improvement of the school. An example of this is the annual Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS).

MACSSIS Family School Improvement Survey

MACSSIS is an annual process whereby schools listen to the thoughts and feelings that students, families and staff have about how their school can improve. These surveys help inform the ongoing improvement of schools across the Archdiocese of Melbourne. The data collected from these surveys benefits everyone within our school and provides valuable community insights on areas that we can focus on.

Further details including how to access the link to complete the MACSSIS survey has been sent to families via Operoo. A message has also been posted in the Daily Messages section on SIMON.

The survey is only available online using the link and personal identification number (PIN) that has been sent to individual families on Operoo. Responses are anonymous and access to the survey closes on Friday 20 September.

We appreciate your time in completing this survey and value your feedback in contributing to the future direction of our College.

If you have any questions in accessing these details on Operoo, please contact the College. All other technical questions in relation to accessing the survey, are to be directed to ORIMA Research on 1800 654 585 or

New Teaching Staff

Throughout this year, we have provided regular updates on the the work that was being done to address the impact of the ongoing staff shortage across Victorian schools. This includes the ongoing recruitment of new teaching staff to the College. We would like to welcome the following new staff members to Thomas Carr College:

  • Ashik Chand (Mathematics)
  • Asha Forrester (Product Design Technologies)
  • Haydean Ellis (Humanities/English)
  • Jake Azzopardi (Health & Physical Education)
  • Mia Nicholls (Religious Education/ English)
  • Shannon Borg (House Leader/Mathematics)

We also welcome Veronica Waring, as the College’s new Assistant Business Manager.

Upcoming key dates (End of Assumption Term)

A reminder that the final day of scheduled classes for this term is Friday 20 September and Students will be dismissed at 3.10pm.

These details are also listed on the College calendar. If you have any questions related to the above dates, please contact your child’s Pastoral and Learning Mentor (PaLM), Year Level Leader or House Leader.

Andrew Bryson
Deputy Principal – Staff and Operations