The Grandparents Day Mass, celebrated in the beautiful College Chapel by Fr Jude on Tuesday morning 26 July gave us the first opportunity in over two years to celebrate a mass together. The Choir led by Ms Georgie Weir and Mr Matt Morse were serene to listen to as they introduced a new musical piece ‘Dona Nobis Pacem’, and with the acoustics in the Chapel, this was spine-tingling to listen to.
Our Principal, Mr Holmes, gave an impromptu and heartfelt reflection on being a grandparent and as a grandparent myself, I love listening to new grandparents explain the wonder and beauty that comes with being a grandparent. Community members including grandparents then shared breakfast together. We are blessed to have members of the wider Thomas Carr College community able to share these sacred moments with us, particularly on the feast day of Saints Anne and Joachim, the grandparents of Jesus Christ.
Reflection days and other Faith and Mission activities
It has been a very busy Assumption term so far with the Years 7, 10 and 11 reflection days, and we have only just started! 22 July saw our Year 7 students, facilitated by the Youth Mission Team Australia, participate in their Reflection Day focusing on ‘Self Image’ and learning to appreciate the gift of their own uniqueness and worth. The team worked with our students to realise the potential each of us has to influence the way others value themselves. The final focus of Reflection Day was for students to recognise that it is both possible and desirable to have a personal relationship with Jesus.
The Year 10 and 11 students undertook their Reflection Days on 20 July and 4 August. The team from ‘Your Choicez’ facilitated sessions where students developed a better understanding of relationships, the key ingredients to experiencing healthy relationships, and identifying red flags and unhealthy relationship behaviours. Students considered through a Catholic lens ‘How do I find, build and navigate healthy, happy and safe relationships?’
We have a busy Assumption Term ahead with several important events across the College’s Faith and Mission area, including the Vinnies Winter Sleepout on 5 August, whole school Assumption Mass on 16 August, Year 9 boys Reflection Day on 1 September, our school choir will be singing at the opening of the National Catholic Education Conference on Sunday 4 September, Father’s Day Mass in the Chapel on Monday 5 September, the Good Samaritan Campus Open Day on Sunday 11 September, and we finish the term with the Year 9 girls Reflection Day on 14 September.
May the joy and love of Christ be with you and your families.
Mrs Elizabeth Holligan, Director of Faith and Mission.