This year, our College Virtue is ‘Service’. To inspire our thoughts, words, and actions to serve, our theme is,
Archbishop Thomas Carr, our College patron and namesake, lived his faith impassioned by the teachings and examples of Jesus which call us to see the face of God in others. As a result, we are called to treat others with dignity, ensuring they feel valued and loved.
In the synoptic gospels, (Matthew 22:34-40, Mark 12:28-34, Luke 10:25-37) Jesus teaches the greatest commandments are to love God and love others as yourself, and in Luke this teaching is followed with the parable of the Good Samaritan. In this parable we are taught that if we look to another human being, without prejudice but with love, we see in them our own face and the face of God, and as a result are compelled to serve. While Thomas Carr was the Archbishop of Melbourne, he saw the needs of the community and worked tirelessly to serve those needs by completing the building of the Cathedral, bringing out religious orders to serve the community as educators, medics, and carers of those in need most notably St Mary of the Cross MacKillop and The Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart. Thus, through love he served others. This service provided opportunities for the voiceless and the broken to see the light of Christ.
Pope Francis in his encyclical Fratelli Tutti expressed the need for a “a new vision of fraternity and social friendship” (#6) that lights in humanity a spark of desire to build a community where we see each other as brother and sister and inspires us to heal and stop the wounds caused by war, violence, hatred, fear, and ignorance. All humanity is called to serve just like the Good Samaritan and Archbishop Thomas Carr to become neighbours and friends to others (# 81), overcoming the fears and prejudices that plague minds, hearts, and hands fortifying barriers. We are all, co-responsible in creating and building a society that includes, integrates, and lifts up those who have fallen or are suffering (# 77). Love builds bridges and “we were made for love” (#88). In his address to millions of youths at World Youth Day in Portugal last year, Pope Francis said ‘Those who love do not stand idly by, but serve others. Those who love, hasten to serve, hasten to dedicate themselves to the service of others.’
We welcome you as part of the Thomas Carr College community to let your light shine through the love of Christ and the unity enlivened through fraternal love. We encourage all to find ways to serve others by getting involved in our Faith and Mission and Social Justice awareness activities throughout the year.
Francis, (2020) Fratelli Tutti

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, friend of the young, pray for us. Amen