‘Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms’.
1 Peter 4:10

It has indeed been my honor and privilege to have served the Thomas Carr College community as Principal in Semester One. It has been an absolute joy and pleasure to work with, and get to know the many different members of the College and wider community, including students, staff, parents, College Advisory Council members, feeder primary school Principals and Parish Priests. I thank you all for warmly welcoming me into the College when I first arrived in January, and then for supporting and trusting in me and allowing me to serve and lead this wonderful school community.
I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Mrs Connie Skinner the Chairperson of the College Advisory Council, as well as Fr. Jude Pirotta the Custodian of Mission for the College and all members of the College Advisory Council for the belief and autonomy given to me, which enabled me to lead in my own unique way.
Thank you also to the College Executive Group (CEG) members, Lucy Angelico (Deputy Principal – Strategic Development & Curriculum), Andrew Bryson (Deputy Principal – Staffing and Learning Operations), Ivanka Spiteri (Deputy Principal – Student Engagement and Wellbeing), Tom Bridges (Assistant Principal – International Community and Partnerships), Alexandra Higham (Director of Faith and Mission) and Chris Knaggs (Business Manager) for the outstanding work they have done in leading the College in their subsequent areas and for the unwavering support, advice, and guidance they have provided me this Semester.
Enormous amounts of work go into preparing course outlines and curriculum, facilities such as classrooms, IT facilities, sporting facilities and the College grounds for the students during Semester One. I thank all staff in positions of leadership, teaching staff, administration, education support and maintenance staff involved in this important work as it contributes significantly to the comprehensive educational environment for our students.
It has been a very positive semester fostering and developing positive relationships and working to provide the best possible contemporary educational experience for our students.
Term 2, the Pentecost Term, has now ended and it has been wonderful to have successfully completed all scheduled co-curricular and whole school activities and events being held throughout this term. As we come to the conclusion of Semester One, it is timely to reflect on some of this year’s achievements and key events so far:
• 1204 students have been engaged in day-to-day classes and learning
• Year 7 Orientation Program
• Commencement Mass and VCE Excellence Assembly
• Ash Wednesday Liturgy
• Years 7-9 Parent Welcome Evening
• Senior School Parent Welcome Evening
• VCE/VET/VM Senior Program Information Evening
• Year 12 Overnight Retreats
• Various Year 7-11 Retreat and Refection Days
• Year 9 Country Experiences at Good Samaritan Campus (GSC)
• Student Leadership Development Day
• Social Justice Servant Leadership Development Day
• Multicultural Youth Student Leadership Day
• Grade 5 Primary Feeder School Visits
• College Open Day
• Catholic Education Week Mass and Colloquium
• Catholic Education Week Concert in the Park
• Various SACCSS Senior and Junior Sports and Carnivals
• Various Curriculum related excursions
• Caritas Fundraising Activities
• International Women’s Day
• House Swimming Carnival
• Year 7 Camp
• Malaya and Borneo Veterans’ Remembrance Service
• Mother’s Day Mass and breakfast
• Thomas Carr Day Mass and celebrations
• Languages Week
• Semester One Examinations
• Parent Teacher Student Conferences
Staffing News:
The following staff will be leaving the College at the end of the Term –
• Lauren Arandt
• Rose Cassar
• Matthew Stepic
• Laura Dunning
• Matthew Grujovski
We thank these staff members for their contribution to the College and wish them all the best in the future.
I would like to wish Ms Rose Connolly, the new Principal at Thomas Carr College, all the best as she begins her tenure as Principal in Term 3. Rose who is currently Deputy Principal, Learning and Innovation, at Emmanuel College in Point Cook and Altona, brings a wealth of educational leadership experience and a strong sense of mission and moral purpose to this role, offering a track record of successful leadership and managing innovation and change. Rose has expertise in strategic improvement in learning and teaching, which will serve the Thomas Carr community well over the coming years. On behalf of the Thomas Carr College staff, students, parents, and College Advisory Council, I warmly welcome Rose to the community, and wish her every success for the future.
As the Semester concludes, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to ensuring Thomas Carr College continues to be a safe, supportive, and aspirational community.
I feel blessed that I have been able to work in a school environment where positive relationships are the standard. Walking the school grounds, corridors and classrooms, I witness the animated and enthusiastic conversations and quality learnings that are taking place. I also listen to the sounds of students working with and for one another, which has indeed been a privilege.
And finally, I would like to wish everyone safe and relaxing school holidays and sincerely thank the entire Thomas Carr College community for the opportunity to have served as Principal for Semester One. There will now and forever always be a special spot etched in my heart for all members of the Thomas Carr College community, and I pray that all may truly live, breathe and enact our wonderful College motto of ‘They Will Shine’.
Please click HERE to view the Principal’s Video Message.
Mr. Jamie Madigan