I wish our Year 12 students all the best for their examinations. We are confident that our teachers have prepared our students, building on the analysis that we complete each year of past student performance.
Please keep our Year 12 students in your prayers as they strive to do their personal best, not just in these important examinations, but in all their future endeavors. To our students as you strive to complete the year successfully, please remember:
- All great achievements require time.
- Nothing will work unless you do.
- Success is loving life and daring to live it.
You will be familiar with the following saying:
‘I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.’
This is a relevant statement for World Teachers Day that falls at this time of the year. We thank all our staff for their efforts to bring the best out of our students.
Student Safety is always a concern for our school community. This week we unfortunately had a student injured in a traffic incident outside of the school. Having considered the challenging traffic conditions at the College, coinciding with the conclusion of the school day, we will be directing all students to exit via the left pathway near the College Chapel to access the school crossing on Thomas Carr Drive.
The only students who will be permitted to use the pathway on the right of the driveway, exiting the College, will be those turning towards Sayers Road, and not crossing Thomas Carr Drive. Please discuss this with your child.
– Craig Holmes: Principal