It is that time of the year again, when we move from one season to the next in the educational journey of our students. In a few weeks we will begin our HeadStart Program where students move into their next year level, meet their new classmates and teachers, and begin the learning program for 2025. This means that all students will have new classmates, offering us all an exciting opportunity to grow in so many ways.
At Thomas Carr College, we understand that creating class lists is a process that impacts your child’s educational experience. Our goal is to ensure that every student thrives in a positive, supportive environment where they can succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. Creating balanced and well-considered class lists is a key part of this mission.
The Year Level and House Leaders, along with the Pastoral and Learning Mentors, take on the following approach when creating class lists. Along the way, they consult the Learning Diversity Team, the Counselling Team, our Youth Liaison Officer, our Family Partnerships Officer, and the Heads of Learning and Teaching who also offer input and insight into the lists as presented to them.
The first thing we address is “Academic Needs”. The team considers each student’s academic strengths, challenges, and learning styles. Our aim is to ensure that every classroom has a mix of students who can each bring their gifts to the table. Teachers collaborate to assess each student’s academic progress and needs before finalising class placements.
Social dynamics play a huge role in students’ comfort and success in school. We carefully consider each student’s social needs when creating class lists. For instance, we work to ensure that students are placed in classes where they will have positive peer interactions. We may also take into account any past conflicts or relationships that could affect a student’s ability to focus or feel safe in a classroom environment.
Our teachers have valuable insight into students’ learning styles and personalities, and they are integral to the class placement process. Teachers provide recommendations based on their observations of how students work individually and within groups. They may suggest certain combinations of students or particular teacher-student matches that they believe will best support growth.
One of our greatest strengths at Thomas Carr College is our diversity. We strive to create balanced classrooms that reflect the diversity of our school community. This includes considering gender, cultural backgrounds, and other factors to foster an inclusive learning environment. A well-balanced class promotes collaboration, understanding, and respect among students, teaching them the richness that comes from diversity and inclusion.
For students who require additional learning support or have specific educational needs, we ensure that these factors are also carefully considered. Our goal is to provide appropriate accommodations within the classroom and ensure that students have access to the resources and teaching styles that best support their learning.
Once all factors are considered, the proposed class lists are reviewed by the Wellbeing Team and members of the College Executive. This team ensures that the lists meet the overall objectives of fairness, balance, and support for all students.
We take great care in creating class lists because we know how important they are for your child’s learning experience. Our focus is always on what is best for the students, and we trust that these thoughtful considerations will help your child flourish academically and socially.
Ivanka Spiteri
Deputy Principal – Student Wellbeing