Through love, serve one another
Derived from Galatians 5:13
As we come to the end of the 2024 school year, and enter the Advent season, we take time to reflect on the year and how we have let the light of Christ shine through all we have said and done. We also look forward, as Advent is a time of preparation and hope for the joyful return of Jesus Prince of Peace, who through his birth, death, and resurrection reminds us of the unending love of God for all of humanity.
This year our College community has lived our virtue of service and paved the way for others to experience God’s love. We raised awareness and funds for CARITAS, St Vincent de Paul Society, Opening the Doors Foundation, Australian Catholics for Equality, and Catholic Mission and supported the health of the planet and care for creation by undertaking regular Clean up the Creek events. The Religion and Community classes also held cakes stalls and Zooper Dooper stalls to support the College charities. We also provided times for respectful gathering in prayer and reflection for International Women’s day, International Men’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Grandparent’s Day, and both ANZAC and Remembrance Day. These acts of service are the big visual expressions of our faith but are by no means the only way our College have engaged in service. Service is also about those little moments, when we say good morning or good afternoon, offer to lend someone a pen or charger cable, sign up for swim carnival and athletics carnival events, school production, and attend and engage in College curricular activities. Any opportunity to contribute to the happiness and collective wellbeing of each member of the College is an act of service as they are acts of love.
Looking ahead, 2025 holds with it much hope for peace and joy in the world. As a Church community we enter the Jubilee Year: Pilgrims of Hope. In this special year we are called to see every journey, whether that be as short as from our bedrooms to the lounge, from home to the shops, school, or Church, or a dedicated religious pilgrimage to Rome, as times when we can find hope and offer hope to those around us. Hope can come from as little as a smile to grand gestures. Whatever we think, say and do, we are called to be that hope that comes from having the light of Christ alive in us. This hope will allow us to live next years College virtue of Compassion, when we are called to As God’s people, clothes ourselves in compassion, asked of us by St Paul in his letter to the Colossian’s and as we are called to do by Jesus, whose unending compassion for humanity brought us salvation.
With us now in Advent, a time when we wait in joyful hope of the coming of our Lord, may we all reflect on our own actions of service as well as the actions of others who serve, and may we pray for peace in this world, so that as we enter 2025, as Pilgrims of Hope, we may find the love of humanity and be compassionate and loving, so that peace and joy fills the hearts of all.
Alexandra Higham
Director of Faith and Mission