The College is always a very busy and productive place where our students have so many opportunities. Our Year 9 students have enjoyed their City Experience, Year 8 participated in their SHINE program, and of course the College production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The audience were very impressed by the quality of this show and raved about the actors, musicians, back-stage crew and all staff associated with the production. I recognise Matt Morse for his direction of this wonderful show, as well as all staff that contributed to such a success.

Our students braved the cold to participate in the 2022 SACCSS Athletics competition and once again the commitment from our students to the College, is to be commended. A big thank you to Margie White, Sam Winch and our Coaches.

On Wednesday, I attended The Shrine of Remembrance with our College Band and Choir in support of the Malay Borneo Veterans. This was a special occasion, and our participation consolidated a long-term association we have had with the Veterans of this particular military engagement. Our students proudly represented the College on this occasion and the last post was performed with aplomb by Simon O’Neill, our St Mary’s staff member.

I would like to wish every Dad, Carer or Guardian a very Happy Father’s Day on Sunday.

Craig Holmes – Principal