Year 7 is an important and exciting step for students as they enter their first year of secondary schooling. The College encourages the development of students’ social and academic skills through providing a number of challenging and exciting learning activities.
The current Year 7 Leaders are Jenni Rothery and Paul Dwyer.
The current Year 7 Pastoral and Learning Mentors are:
- 7 Aqua – Nani Thomas
- 7 Blue – Naveet Aulakh
- 7 Coral – Susanne Sullivan
- 7 Gold – Laura Barui
- 7 Jade – Mia Nicholls
- 7 Purple – Cecile Pitpit
- 7 Red – Amanda Gray
- 7 Silver – Claire Naraghi
- 7 White – Kiet Huynh
The Year 7 Orientation Camp Program is designed to address a number of key areas
- Peer bonding among students from a diverse primary school feeder network
- Teacher/student bonding
- Develop trust and effective communication between teachers and students
- Teamwork, communication and collaboration among students
- Challenge students and extend their boundaries outside limiting mindsets
- Students to experience a range of adventure activities in a safe yet challenging environment
- Understand that physical exertion can be fun
- Encourage an interest in physical fitness
- Enhance students’ confidence and self-esteem
Transition Program
The move from primary to secondary school is a major milestone for your child and creates big changes in their life, development and education. Secondary school is an opportunity for your child to be challenged and to develop the valuable skills they will take with them into their adult life. Leaving the familiar surroundings of primary school will be both exciting and daunting for both you and your child.
During the Lenten Term, the transition team visit the primary schools attended by enrolled students. This is a vital step in the process and gives students the opportunity to talk informally with the team to ask questions and to articulate any concerns. A Parent Information Night (PIN) is also held at the College in October. Parents are provided with the opportunity to meet key staff at the College and are provided with information to ensure a successful transition.