In Year 9 we offer an exciting co-curricular program for students to ensure they are engaged with their learning and the community. We believe that an alternative learning program, outside the formal school setting and in the community will be enlightening and challenging, as well as providing students with skills to move forward with their secondary school education.
Year 9 at Thomas Carr College marks the beginning of the transition between the Middle School and the Senior School years. It is an important stage of development for our students. Students leaving Middle School enter a highly complex and connected world of learning and work that continues to change and evolve. It is our responsibility as a school community to prepare our students for this, through providing opportunities for them to develop critical, 21st-century skills. Our students will demonstrate critical and creative thinking, problem-solving and a depth of intercultural understanding in all their interactions. At Thomas Carr College, we work towards supporting our students to think about themselves as agents of change and as socially and ethically responsible members of society.
The current Year 9 Leaders are Marcus Cho and Elisha Owen
The current Year 9 Pastoral and Learning Mentors are:
- 9 Aqua – Jarrod Lucas
- 9 Blue – Hoang Vu
- 9 Coral – Jake Azzopardi
- 9 Gold – Olivia Collins
- 9 Jade – James Grubb
- 9 Purple – Amy Venema
- 9 Red – Marko Ivelja
- 9 Silver – Stephanie Ferreira-Bothma
- 9 White – Jack Moloney
Year 9 students experience enormous emotional, physical, social and intellectual changes as they transition from childhood to adulthood. This period of transition is often characterised by students’ growing sense of independence from both parents and teachers while at the same time developing more supportive relationships among their peers. The adolescent needs to find expression in the diversity of experience and will occasionally need to learn from their mistakes as they progress towards adulthood.
As a school, we have a responsibility to sustain student motivation and improving skills in students and teachers. It is with this aim in mind, that the College shaped a program that will engage students and equip them with new skills that will help shape their adult selves.
The program aims to develop students who:
- Are independent, self-aware learners who set goals, reflect and evaluate their own progress
- Pose critical questions about their world and can sue traditional online and community resources to develop responses
- Work co-operatively to complete a variety of tasks with teams of peers
- Are socially aware, ethical and caring global citizens
- Are connected to fellow students, staff and the College and see themselves as members of a learning community
City Experience
Students in Year 9 will participate in a City Experience program. This experience will allow students to study the cultural, historical and sporting aspects of the City of Melbourne. The program recognises students’ increasing independence and requires students to develop their own transport plans to complete each of the set activities for each day. The City Experience Student Booklet consists of 4 assessment tasks that must be completed over the course of the week, including a 32 checkpoint Scavenger Hunt, Journey Planner, Inquiry Tasks (from the booked tours) and a pre and post-Reflection.
Good Samaritan Campus
The Country Experience forms part of the compulsory curriculum at Thomas Carr College. Therefore, it is expected that all students attend the Good Samaritan Campus during their allocated timeframe. Any issues relating to attendance need to be discussed in advance with the Year Level Coordinators in consultation with the Head of Middle School and the Good Samaritan Campus Manager.