College Vision
Thomas Carr College is a dynamic Catholic learning community, guided by the Gospel. Excellence and opportunities to develop are pursued. Through our hope and service to others we shine our light into the world.
Learning & Teaching at Thomas Carr College
At Thomas Carr College we are committed to fostering a culture of excellence. Shaped by our Catholic identity, we create an environment that supports the learning needs of all our students and where their wellbeing is nurtured. We provide opportunities for our students to develop the knowledge, skills, and attributes to take their place in a globalised world and to shine in all that they do.
The Thomas Carr College Model of Instructional Practice
The Thomas Carr College Model of Instructional Practice combines the use of High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS) with the principles of the Berry Street Education Model to develop a framework that connects learning and wellbeing as the key drivers to improve student outcomes.
Our Model of Instructional Practice provides staff, students and parents with the guiding principles and a common language in how we can all work in partnership to foster a strong and sustainable learning culture. These core principles are:

- We engage with our learning through High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS)
- We connect as a community through the Berry Street Education Model.
- We flourish as a dynamic Catholic learning community through fostering a culture of excellence and developing respectful relationships.
The connection between learning and wellbeing is at the heart of who we are as a dynamic Catholic learning community.
As a College, we are aspirational:
Aspiring to be better as a school and by creating a culture of excellence that encourages our students to exceed their potential throughout their journey at Thomas Carr College and beyond.
Shaped by our identify as a Catholic school, this model draws upon Catholic Education Melbourne’s Horizons of Hope education framework to instil the dimensions of Enable, Connect, Engage and Learn.
Each of these dimensions combine to provide further guidance in our approach to fostering a culture that supports and encourages learning and where the wellbeing of students is nurtured.