The Assumption Term started with much joy as we welcomed Thomas Carr College’s new Principal, Rose Connolly. Staff, students, parents and members of the Parish and local community all took the opportunity to embrace Rose with the traditional warm Thomas Carr College hospitality.
Week two brought with it the Year 11 Reflection Day with Fr Rob Galea. An opportunity for the students to hear of his amazing life journey from a troubled youth to an inspiring beacon of God’s compassion and love. They were asked to reflect on the ups and downs of life and were presented with two analogies. The first explored how we are all made in the image and likeness of God, so are therefore born for greatness, however few would achieve their true greatness because of their big ‘buts’. Not physical bottoms, their hesitations, fears, anxieties, and lack of confidence.
This brought Fr Rob’s second analogy, that of the way to get rid of our big ‘buts’ was through the exercise of a squat, or using the strength from within. He shared with the students that the most successful way to do a squat; is to follow three easy steps:
- Ensure that you find that which brings you balance and stability; you can not put squat and get back up if your core has no strength. This core, for Fr Rob is God.
- Know that life isn’t easy, and everyone faces low, hard, and sometimes terrible moments that drop us to the floor. Fr Rob reminds us that every time we hit the floor, we learn something new about ourselves and can be reminded that Jesus also suffered to show us His mercy and love.
- Finally, that we need to get up. By using that strength from God, the mercy that comes from the Love of Jesus, and using the power of the Holy Spirit that lives in each of us, we rise.
If we see each challenge as an opportunity to grow and let our light shine, each time we must squat, they become easier, and the smaller our ‘but’ gets.
His final take away from the cohort was to remember that as we stand, fall, and rise in a squat there are moments of stillness. In those moments, remember Psalm 46:10; ‘Be still, and know that I am God’.

This week we celebrated the feast of Saints Joachim and Anne, the parents of Mary and grandparents to Jesus, in a celebration and blessing of our grandparents followed by another wonderful gathering at the breakfast.
We at Thomas Carr College, pray for all grandparents and older caregivers who bring joy and love into our lives. Events like these truly show what a wonderful community we are continuing to build.
Alexandra Higham
Director of Faith and Mission